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aku ako

September 2020

This is a psychogeography map of two foreign friends, sharing their worries to one another through "exchanging" letters. But the catch is; they would write them in their own mother-tongue. Unknown to both parties of what the other wrote, this fits as a barrier but also a comfort zone for the two. They are just there to lend an ear and that was enough.


The Ultramarine which indicates "feeling blue" or down. The white yarn as to symbolize that there IS a bit of "peace of mind", because the two were able to let off the heavy weight on their chest. The letters were soaked with salt water to "was away" their worries. Each PVCs is coated with acrylic paints of blues and greens to represent the oceans from Indonesia and Philippines. From Both ends are diluted pigments of the colors to describe that the first letters started off as an awkward phase. Only nearing to the center with the colors more dense, to describe that the letters contents from both parties are now heavy/deep.

Aku Ako: Exhibitions
Dark Ocean


Aku Ako: Welcome


Concept idea and production was done by collaborating with my classmate in 2D Painting major at 2nd year in Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Kenenza Michiko Hasan.

Aku Ako: Welcome
Aku Ako: Welcome
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