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Oil on canvas, acrylic sticks, acrylic sheet, 30x40” canvas, 20x30” structure

Derived from the archive of “Lost and Found” which is a collection of objects that were neglected or abandoned by their previous owners. But now ‘found’, they are given consciousness and a home to be sheltered in.

Giving conscious to the unconscious.

The dramatic poses signify the neglect, the expanded body parts of one of the figures signify wanting to escape from entrapment, and the acrylic elements are forms that mimics the structure of a home. The dripping paints are the decors of the figures to claim the space, but the structure pierced through seem to restrict those spaces.

We were once lost while feeling trapped from what was the new norm, but we eventually found something about ourselves that we didn’t know we had. Just from the shift of adapting to unfamiliar spaces, we tend to try to reclaim our standing and not get too overwhelmed.



lost and found objects.

each from a different time and space.

each holds memories.

Shadow on Concrete Wall


a one week process

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